The Poetess
by Juan Perez

For Michelle Hartman

Oh love, fair poetess far north from me
Left to chupacabras to compare just to thee
For such is your charm and appeal that is lost
To the commonly bred, such uncommon a cost
Your majestic beauty strikes the beholder
Like the sight of the beast behind a set boulder

Oh love, fair poetess, far north from me
Left to chupacabras to compare just to thee
Your splendor forever to remain elusive
Like this creature from man so remains inconclusive
Your humor, your wit to endure with such bias
Like the creature’s enchantment and warranted pious

Oh love, fair poetess, far north from me
Left to chupacabras to compare just to thee
Your intangible love remains so repelled
Like the creature uncaught and yet to be held
Transcending to times of ancient, expressive writings
Like this creature’s trespasses and ambiguous sightings

Oh love, fair poetess, far north from me
Left to chupacabras to compare just to thee
May you be relished by whom first finds you be
For I am too far, away far from thee
May he ravish your body like he does your words
May your conquest be trending in the gossip of birds

Oh love, oh love, fair poetess, oh rarity
Oh love fair poetess far north, far from me

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