Chorus Sutra
by Laurence Musgrove

After the evening concert,
I told the Buddha how much
I was inspired by the choir’s
Performance and how unified
In purpose they seemed.
I wished everyone I knew
Might find similar beauty.
He paused on the sidewalk
And smiled to me saying,
From birth we are taught
Habits that strengthen
And unify consciousness
By constantly pairing
Our mind and our body
In a common purpose.
But there are also teachers
Who want us to keep these
Good friends at a distance.
The mind drifts away.
The body is lost in the street.
How can we expect
To join together as one
When we are divided
Even against ourselves?
Self-knowledge is the path
To enlightened society,
But character can only be
Built upon the characters
We meet and travel and
Sing with on the road.

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