My Roses Aren't Doing Well
by David Sutton
Abundant sun, ample water
Special food of time-release pellets
Combo-spray for aphids and fungus
Gentle words of encouragement
A light kneading of the soil with trusty spade
And yet my Alba Maxima
Cramoisi Superieur and
Comte de Chambord
Produce only the scrawniest of buds
The little old ladies at the First Baptist Church
Ooh-ahh at a basket of robust blossoms
From the garden of John French
A retired academic and brother in Christ
The petals of his most recently formulated hybrid
Explode with sumptuous colors
Why does God favor him over me?
What grave sin have I committed?
Am I really such a bad person?
Maybe I should listen to my wife
Instead finding fault with myself
As I so often do
I should just have my soil tested
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