Sleeping With Me
by Bobby Offerdahl

    I felt you get into bed
    Next to me last night
    As your presence tucked
    The blankets behind my thighs
    And your weight rolled me
    Ever so slightly back
    Against you, spooning
    The back of my legs.

    At first I thought it was my son
    For I had just been dreaming about him.
    He was sad cause I had scolded him
    And I thought, for a moment,
    It was him, crawling into bed
    Seeking my forgiveness
    Wanting to be close
    But in my dream filled state
    I remembered he was with his Mom tonight.

    Then I thought, what if it's Becky
    What if she took my flirting for real.
    I don't lock my door at night
    And maybe she came over
    And was crawling into bed with me.
    Then you shifted your body
    And laid across my ankles
    And I thought, for sure,
    You were my cat
    Warming my feet.

    I remember coming out of dreams
    And looking toward the window.
    I could see it clear as day
    Even though I knew my eyes
    Were still closed.
    Then I strained and opened my eyes
    And slowly looked toward my feet.
    Seeing my cat wasn't there
    Is when I realized, it was you,
    Haunting my bed
    And so I guess, for now,
    I will have to believe.

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