jazz is
by Rex Pryor

    _____jazz is
    jazz is
    _____a root pulled from
    _____the african american soil
    jazz is
    _____a black locomotive thundering
    _____coming closer  lean into
    _____the beat that shakes the darkened dirt
    jazz is
    _____18th and Vine in KC Mo.
    _____walk the street  turn the corner
    _____dip your head  the kool will
    _____bring tears____tradition
    jazz is
    _____a jam session with no script
    _____a birth of scat  notes not
    _____in need of words to give
    _____the story  a groove that
    _____can't be taught or caught
    _____least of all explained
    jazz is
    _______________oh yeah
    _____jazz   is

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