News Story
by Steve Mueske

"Gunman kills 7 in church"
--St. Paul Pioneer Press, September 16, 1999.

Lately, my two-and-a-half-year old daughter has started to stutter.

"Daddy," she says "l-l-let's dance. I w-w-want dancing music."
The Brian Setzer Orchestra CD is in her hands.
"Honey, it's too late for dancing music," I tell her.


"He was very calm and looked normal and was smoking a cigarette."
--St. Paul Pioneer Press, September 16, 1999.


My youngest daughter has lost the smell of spice, but she reaches out
and stuffs her fingers in my mouth. She has recently learned to laugh,
and the game of peek-a-boo is a mystery of sudden appearances.


"The man reloaded several times during the rampage. Three empty clips were found at the scene, police said."
--St. Paul Pioneer Press, September 16, 1999.


I bought a large bouquet of Chrysanthemum's for my family today.
When my wife left to get lettuce, Tess pointed at the flowers.
"That o-o-one is for Natalie, that one is for mommy, that one is for daddy,
and that one is for Tess." She did a somersault on the floor
and asked me to tickle her. Then my wife came home and made supper.

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