Willie and Ben Franklin
by Charles Kesler

Willie read a guy’s T-shirt
at a bar one day. It said,

Is Living Proof
That God loves us
& Wants Us To Be Happy.

Benjamin Franklin

Willie thought if Ben Franklin said it, then it must be true. So the next bottle he got, he raised it to the man with the T-shirt, and everybody else in the bar, and yelled, “Thank you, God, and Thank you, Ben Franklin. One of The Great Founding Fathers of Our Great Country.” The guy with the T-shirt looked at Willie kinda funny, like everyone else in the bar. Willie ordered the man with the T-shirt to read what was on his T-shirt. Most people don’t even read the words on what they wear. But to Willie the words are a manifesto, words that proclaim what a person really believes. Willie ordered the guy with the T-shirt to walk around in the bar showing everyone what his T-shirt said. When he got back to his seat Willie raised his bottle, and everyone in the whole bar did too. Willie yelled again, “Thank you, God, and thank you, Ben Franklin, One of The Great Founding Fathers of Our Great Country,” and then everybody said, “Amen,” with tears in their eyes. As Willie left the bar there was a great outcry, “Thank God,and Benjamin Franklin, One of The Great Founding Fathers of Our Great Country.” Willie looked back and every hand with a bottle or a glass was raised, and tears were flowing down their cheeks, especially the guy with the T-shirt on.

When Willie got back home he told his wife he had just converted a whole bar full of men. Willie’s wife just looked up at him, and shook her head and went back to washing clothes for her evangelist.

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