The Patient With Knee Pain
by Michael Zack

    The story that ends
    with knee pain
    she is saying,
    with her sister-in-law
    last Tuesday
    or was it Wednesday
    her trip to Acton
    or was it Stow?

    I know the story will end
    with her knee pain,
    she has told me so,
    know she will say very three times
    before the word sore.
    My mother would say very
    just once before sore
    but with intense conviction,
    her eyes blinking italics.

    I miss her,
    but I cannot think about that
    nor the email I just read
    from my daughter
    who wrote how awesome I was
    for something I had done,
    (the first time I'd loved that word).

    I miss her too,
    as this patient
    continues the story
    that will end with knee pain.
    And as I think
    of what prescription to write,
    which X-ray to order,
    I remember 10 years ago
    at Disney, my daughter,
    scraping her knee, crying,
    till a big cartoon rabbit
    gave her a hug

    and then we went on a ride and
    I covered her eyes
    so she would laugh,
    so that the only thing she would see
    was the scribbly and perfect sound
    of that laughter.

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