The Maturing of Becker
by Penny Bayless

    Becker gave up philosophy
    and went to see a prostitute.
    When he came back, he was not much wiser,
    just a bit more satisfied.
    So, he tried aerobic exercise,
    and TM, for a period of hysterical time.
    Then, he jogged.
    He ran by the old Market House
    every day a 3:21, and smelled the fish,
    the produce, and, fed the pigeons.
    The pigeons flew out of range
    and paid him no more mind.
    So, Becker gave up running and religion,
    and visited the prostitute again.
    It was a different face, but the same old show.
    So, Becker went back to his books.
    He took a wife, had three kids, bought a station wagon,
    and a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence,
    and, an integral garage,
    and got a dog.

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