One of Those Days
by Anne Carroll Fowler

    sitting on Nick's porch
    sipping Nick's whiskey,
    Nick, between women
    gazing out over Eggemogin Reach,
    Penobscot Bay, that exact

    ____________young, and not knowing
    how the sounds of breezes drift
    through blue spruce, all rolling
    joints, smoking menthol
    cigarettes, Nick and some guy
    playing bluegrass, me stitching
    the torn kite

    and the dogs
    Nick's great dane Venka and Ringo
    our springer pup, amuck
    in the meadow, in love with
    the field and each other and

    ____________and the artist who lived
    in Nick's attic, painting the river
    with cows standing in it
    faces dappled in shadow

    ____________and the desultory,
    real cows eyeing the dogs
    in deep grass, the bluegrass guy
    eyeing Nick

    _________________and Nick
    loose and laughing and singing
    John Henry was a steel driving
    man, and you, then
    holding the string.

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