My Date With Death
by Theresa Smart

Death greets me at the door
his typical ear to ear grin
I walked by and said
"Not today Death. Not today".
He looked at me with his
cold, dead eyes "Soon,"
he said, "Soon."
Driving down my street
I noticed him perched upon a fence
smiling as I drove past- waving.
I could hear His bones
rattle with anticipation.
Days into weeks; weeks to months
He watched, patiently- waiting.
Time moved on and instead of anger
I found peace with Death,
my old friend.
Waiting, watching, lingering,
he gazed as I said my "I Do's."
Awed as I welcomed my first born,
my second and the inevitable grands.
Patient he was
as the years blurred by.
And now as I say goodbye to
friends, loved ones, parents and siblings
I find his lurking a comfort.

He greats me at the door
his dead eyes smiling-
"It's time old friend. It is time."

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