Hands whose folds and creases xxxxxxxspoke not of rail splits or nails A mouth whose cough sputtered xxxxxxxangels into the dust of a long road I saw women dry his gentle xxxxxxxfeet with their hair I saw men covet xxxxxxxand beg to know him xxxxxxxxxxxxxxthe salt cries of Gomorrah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfell from their trembling members My maidenhead xxxxxxxso long since turned to callous Made supple and loved xxxxxxxby his merest glance. Without this money xxxxxxxthat feeds us all Without the bread or laundry xxxxxxxI love you and such love had no precedent xxxxxxxin the groping hangnails xxxxxxxxxxxxxxor gummy fish kisses of boys come of age. He pressed me to the Joshua trees xxxxxxxand sobbed, Don’t you understand? Understand that I’d die for you Have traveled a thousand thousand xxxxxxxfurlongs just to take their xxxxxxxxxxxxxxpunctures to my own gut xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxin the stead of yours? So the lifetime of wretched yesses xxxxxxxmumbled into boils and leprosy washed away with eyelashes in my hair xxxxxxxxxxxxxxslippery fingers feeding me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxpomegranate and red delicious lips inserting breath xxxxxxxso long since wrenched xxxxxxxxxxxxxxfrom my chest and belly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxand trapped, angry, purchased womb