Cosmo’s Wigs
by Michael Catherwood
Kurt stole tips off the next table
at closing so we cashed in for 2 pints
of Bourbon de Luxe when Kurt
said follow him to his friend Kim’s mom’s
business equipped with plush basement
where we could blast some Richard
Hell and drink whiskey and smoke
tea so I rode his bumper through
dark back avenues and after a few
miles we parked in an empty lot
then walked through the side door
down stairs where we were surrounded
by 3 walls of faceless Styrofoam heads
modeling wigs and we pulled
on the Bourbon de Luxe got sodded
and cranked Hell on the Teac and blasted
the wigs wigs wigs back to creation. A day
later I woke up at home back in my garden level
where I rehydrated then braved a look
at the driveway and noticed no car and figured
someone drove me home. I switched on
the evening news and saw the smoldering
flames of the wig store and a fire truck
in the background and the reporter
saying, “the fire’s under investigation.
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